
Arun Sarin quits Vodafone today

That’s it!

Arun Sarin’s off. Yes, he’s announced that he’s stepping down as CEO of Vodafone.

He’s done a good job, I reckon. He’s been a safe-pair-of-hands and, if I’m honest, a little bit too safe. That said, he’s presided over a period of record profits (£13 billion) and he’s been supervising some pretty nifty acquisitions of late.

It’s a good time to exit though. Big high.

Who’s going to replace him? Well, there’s lots of rumours. One chap ‘close to the situation’ reckons it will be an outsider. Another chap at a competing operator tells me that Big Red’s European CEO, Vittorio Calao is widely tipped.

This is more or less what Lilly Peel, Telecoms Correspondent at The Times is reporting too.