Arun Sarin winds up Ed from BlackFin
Ed of BlackFin sent me the following comment. He was NOT impressed with Arun.
Here’s the quote that really wound him up — from a post on (which I can’t link to because their system is a bit crap with links):
Sarin called on the industry as a whole to work faster on its plans for Long Term Evolution (LTE), the next generation cellular technology, highlighting the faster than anticipated adoption of WiMAX on the world stage.
Ed commented:
Not sure if you’ve seen this. Makes my blood boil. He’s standing there like he’s the wise old man who knew this was coming all along. Er, year right.
Ahh yes, I remember now, I’ve been blind, how could I forget his persistent ear bashing of the industry over the last 3 years for not following Vodafone’s ‘all you can eat’ mobile internet packages – designed to show to the consumer that 3G and its later versions are good for you and that there’s no better communications platform.
Does this mean as of today he’ll lead the industry by example and drop mobile data charges in exchange for customer loyalty for fear of a massive exodus (I’m hyping it slightly) to Wifi based phones over metro level WiMAX? – I’ll check my RSS feeds for news, but don’t hold your breath 😉