
Asda gets cheaper than Ikea

While Vodafone might think the time is right to hike up call prices, others have decided they’re ripe for the chop: step forward Asda. The supermarket giant has announced a new pay as you go pricing structure, with per minute call costs to landlines and mobiles dropping to 8p a minute and texts to just 4p.

The rates are for any time of day or night, and Asda reckons the price cut makes it the cheapest PAYG operator out there – even cheaper than the likes of rival retail behemoth Ikea, which offers 9p a minute calls and 6p texts.

Perhaps the most interesting thing about this is Asda’s network. While Vodafone is raising its prices, Asda has managed to get such a good deal from its network supplier it can trim the costs to a minimum. The supplier? You’ve guessed it, Vodafone.