
AskMeNow launches across Canada

Link: – Mediacaster – 6/11/2007

Although they’ve been around since 2005, AskMeNow have just launched their service across all major networks in Canada.

By using the service, the company describes, its customers will be able to ask a question from their mobile phone and get an answer with only standard carrier rates applying. In addition, access to content including Directory Assistance, Weather, Sports, Directions, Movie Theatres & Locations, News, Horoscopes, Stock Quotes, Flight & Hotel Information and new daily features including Words, Jokes and Quotes, is available, the company adds.

“By removing the premium fee, we eliminate the largest barrier to adoption and encourage high volume usage,” said Darryl Cohen, AskMeNow’s CEO, in a release. “Canada is the first country in the world where we offer our service with no premium fee to wireless customers nationwide.”

The SMS service leverages AskMeNow’s proprietary and popular natural language question system, so users can ask their questions any way they want. The result is a specific and accurate answer to any question.

Sounds similar to UK-based services AQA and 82ASK. Wonder if there’s a human on the end of AskMeNow’s service, or if it’s all automated? If I was in Canada I guess I could text and ask them…