
Aussie teen girls sun-burning their phone digits on to back

So, you’re walking along the beach right, chucking-another-shrimp-on-the-barbie, as you do, and you see a nice chap admiring your form.

You smile, wink a bit perhaps and walk on.

The admiring chap whips out his mobile and dials your digits into his address book. Or better still, texts you direct.


He saw your number. Etched by the sun into your back.

I kid ye not:

Yes, it’s the latest craze, apparently. Or, it’s a particularly good stunt.

The Telegraph has the details (as pictured) and explains that 14-15 year old girls have taken to the practice of writing their digits on their back with blue-coloured zinc sunblock.

The idea being that shortly, the sun paints the rest of you brown — and leaves your digits ready for that hot looking surfer dude to dial.

Older men are the ones who have been quickest to catch on:

One 15-year-old, identified only as Lizzy, admitted older men had been quickest to respond: “An old guy tried to talk to me. He was trying to take pictures of us,” she told local newspaper The Manly Daily.

Oh. Dear.

So it’s a great idea in practice.

But just look at the picture. If that’s half valid — I think you’d need to have REALLY GOOD eyesight to make out the numbers.

A mobile phone number is HARDLY a good way of connecting.


You want a shortcode. A keyword and a shortcode.

And you want it woven into your bikini bottoms, right?

THAT’s the way ahead. Far more efficient.

You want the equivalent of a p8tch for your bikini or swimming shorts. Er. No, actually — that might be rather awkward.

“Excuse me, I’d, er, like to take a photo of your butt…”

“No, no not your butt, I mean, your p8tch!”

Dear me.

No, I think there are more efficient ways of connecting with members of the opposite sex.

What are your suggestions for the 15 year olds? Isn’t Nick Ris out in Australia with MX Telecom at the moment?

NICK! Shortcode and keyword dating system needed…