
Australians get smog alerts by text

Link: Sky News: SMS smog alerts

Environment groups have attacked the New South Wales Government for a new plan that could see pollution alerts sent out to Sydneysiders.

Subscribers would receive a text message or email telling them when levels are high, but critics say the money would be better spent cutting Sydney’s smog.

Sounds a good idea, but there’s a lot of opposition:

The Asthma Foundation says more needs to be done about what’s causing air pollution in the first place.

And the state’s Shadow Environment Minister Pru Goward says that warning people about days on which they could be poisoned, but doing nothing about it, is a disgrace.

The Greens say the plan ignores the big picture and something should be done about getting cars off the road.

Fair points really, I guess it’s like sending you a text telling you you’re about to be run over by a bus when you’re nailed down to the road and can’t move. Or something like that! Still, good to see governments around the world getting on the text bandwagon at last.