
Average UK mobile broadband speed is 1.46mbps

Just picked this one up from Broadband Expert. They’ve done a load of research testing out the speeds of mobile broadband connections. Have a read..

Research by broadband comparison site keyword or Broadband Expert has revealed that the average speed of UK mobile broadband is 1.46Mbs. By comparison earlier surveys by the same company revealed home broadband services deliver average speeds of 2.95Mbs.

The survey carried out between February and March 2008, tested 1,213 mobile broadband connections with top download speeds ranging from 2.3Mbps for Vodafone to 1.1Mbps for T-Mobile and 1Mbps for 3.

Vodafone clocked by far the fastest download speeds, though advertising for their latest offering promise much faster speeds of up to 7.2Mbps (however some of the customers surveyed were on old offers advertising lesser speeds).

The average upload speed for all providers was registered as 0.38Mbps. Upload speed describes the speed that data can be transmitted back to the internet and is important for VoIP (internet phone calls) services such as Skype.

Download speed varied between areas depending on the mobile coverage and the network used, with higher speeds more likely to be achieved in urban areas which have better coverage.

Vodafone comes out pretty well … but not when they’re promising ‘up to 7.2 meg’. Still.

Mobile broadband now *works*. It’s cheap and it’s usable!