
Avoid burst pipes by text

I got this text in a few days ago from my insurance provider, Direct Line. Smart. Not only does it deliver some ‘seasonal greetings’, it also offers a top tip – don’t switch the heating off completely if you are away, to avoid burst pipes. Now, I wonder how much cash this will save them? It’s a very smart idea as I forgot about this – and I am going away for a few days. So assume that an average of 200 pounds per incident. Assume you have 500,000 customers, right? Assume 2 percent incident rate over the Seasonal period. That is 10,000 incidents at a cost of 2 million smackers. It will cost you 175k to send a text to every single customer – at 3.5p per text – but if you can reduce incidents to 0.5 percent, say 2,500 at 200 pounds cost each, you have saved yourself 1.3 million pounds. Just by sending a text message. That is no longer just mobile marketing, it’s a business critical cost control and profit booster!
– Taken at 7:15 AM on December 27, 2008 – cameraphone upload by ShoZu

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