
Bango have a 3-5 day application project available

I saw this note from Ray at mobile payments provider, Bango on the MoMoLondon list. It may well be of interest to any application developers reading.

Bango is adding new capabilities to its “In Application” analytics service. Info is sent from the App to Bango using an “open” protocol that any developer can implement with ther own code, but we also want to provide “reference” implementations for the API/SDK to support the vast majority of developers who want to plug-and-play.

We have Android and Blackberry SDK’s that we will be publishing, but we want to speed up the availability of the iPhone version, and thought we would see if anybody externally would be interested in building it.

The Android and Blackberry code and documentation are available to “copy”. The work would be for Bango, but we intend to “open source” the resulting code to ensure transparency and allow innovation.

Based on the previous projects we expect this to be a 3-5day project.

Bango would pay for the work, and you will also have the pleasure of knowing that your code will be performing an important role on millions of iPhones by reporting app usage to their developers.

We need to do this in the next couple of weeks.

Please email james at with some evidence you can do this and indicative costs and availability if you are interested in doing this work.

We can acknowledge you as the author of this sample code ….