
BBC's 15p call-cap for premium rate competitions

Link: BBC caps call costs at 15p as contests return after scandals | Media | The Guardian

The BBC is to introduce a cap on the cost of calling premium phone lines as it prepares to reintroduce two of its most popular competitions, it announced yesterday.

From this week, calls to BBC programmes using premium call lines will be capped at 15p, though exceptions will be granted to shows directly related to a charity appeal, such as Children in Need.

This makes a lot of sense I think. I’m pleased to see the BBC re-introducing interactive competitions via phone and I think the 15p cap will be reasonably well received from the public.

Setting aside the obvious cost implications, I wonder what the difference would be in take-up if the BBC introduced 0800 free calls for their competitions, instead of premium rate? 10% increase? 50%?