
Belkin's Skype WiFi phone exciting normal, cool people

belkin skype wifi phone

Originally uploaded by ew4n.

I had a note in from L who runs PR for one of the world’s largest television/movie companies here in the UK. I’ve known her for a while and we recently had a wickedly good set of doughballs together at Pizza Express.

She’s a total hip chick on the bleeding edge of style, attached at the hip to her Motorola RAZR — well, actually hold on, let’s revise that: attached at the hip to her new Chanel bag, which contains, amongst other things, a RAZR.

Anyway, she’s not the type to bother at all with technology — but I gave her an SMS Text News business card because, well, I like giving them out.

She caught the new Belkin Skype WiFi phone today and knocked me over a note saying I should check it out.

This is unusual for a few reasons, chiefly amongst them being the fact that it is rare to have anyone but geeks-with-beards-and-body-odour raise an eyebrow, let alone get reasonably excited about a wifi handset.

L did. I see why. It looks pretty well designed. You don’t need PC to operate it. It’d slip nicely into your Chanel bag. Once The Cloud have sorted out their London WiFI service I reckon this will be a go-er.

£139 for the handset at the moment.