
Beware of cheap imitations

The internet is about collaboration, community, and the sharing of information, right? Even more so with blogging – which is why we love writing this site so much. However, what’s not really fair is ripping off the whole blog, removing all references to SMS Text News and republishing it under your own name.

Quoting our stuff is good, and is welcomed. There’s nothing wrong with link love either..  but the biscuit is well and truely taken when you find sites out there that are pumping every single article we lovingly handcraft for your reading pleasure straight into their own site and passing it off as their own. No link love, no hat tips, no credits, no nothing. And then they fill it up with Google ads, get it indexed by the search engines, and sit back to wait for their fortune to amass from advertising – ableit very slowly.

Honestly (and I’m sure Ewan will agree), it’s not an ego thing – it’s just principle. If you’ve referenced posts in your own blog or site in the past, we salute you. If you’ve given us link love or a hat tip, again you’re our friend – and we owe you a pint sometime.

However.. If you’re one of those people who are ripping everything we post lock stock and barrel, removing all sign of a credit, pretending it’s yours and didn’t even have the decency to ask first – then watch this space. Your details might be appearing on a ‘name and shame’ list in the not too distant future..