
Big publishing names join Nokia's Mobile Ad Network

Some of the biggest new media publishing houses across Europe have come together to join Nokia’s expanding mobile advertising network, the Nokia Media Network, that has a global reach of over 100 million consumers. These publishers are all pumped up to enhance the reach of the Finnish manufacturer’s advertising network.

The Nokia Media Network, which was launched back in February, 2008 currently services over 70 launch publishers, including Discovery, Hearst, Cosmopolitan, AccuWeather and Reuters. The advertising network allows advertisers to target consumers who visit the sites and pages of premium mobile internet publishers. The new publishers that have been added include:



    • Agence France-Presse, France
    • RTL Mobile, Germany
    • Cuatro, Spain
    • Grupo Prisa, publisher of El País, Spain
    • Unidad Editorial, publisher of El Mundo, Spain
    • CNET, UK
    • Telegraph Media Group, UK
    • Trinity Mirror, UK
    • International Herald Tribune, pan-European

Nokia recently ran a campaign on El Mundo of Spain, managed by Unidad Editorial, which carried ads by BMW. Nokia’s Ad Network is fairly popular and successful and is expected to expand with more and more publishers joining in on the team.