
Bluestreak offers services for plethora of handset platforms

News in from Bluestreak Technology, the developer of the MachBlueâ„¢ platform for mobile phones and digital television. They’ve announced the latest addition to their MachBlue Mobile suite – a series of rich-media applications that can be integrated directly with Flash authoring tools to create dynamic user interfaces and content for mobile phones.

Essentially, if you’re looking to develop a mobile television application (or, perhaps, a converged mobile/television style service), Bluestreak’s MachBlue Mobile service will make creating media rich applications a piece of simplicity. There’s platform support galore — S60, UIQ, Windows Mobile, Linux, Brew and J2ME. So make an application with MachBlue and it’ll work on almost every handset out there. I’m going to try and find out a bit more about Bluestreak and how they’re applying their technology for the end-consumer.