
Blyk is coming to the UK in August

Link: Big guns ‘wrong about mobile future’, says Blyk | Internet Marketing News and Blog |

The idea that ‘content is king’ in the mobile space is a ‘myth”, and many of the industry’s big guns are wrong about the needs of younger subscribers.

That’s the view of the man behind Blyk, the startup that plans to offer free mobile services to users that opt-in to receive ads on their phones…

That’s sort of interesting news, but tucked away in the article was this bit:

Set to launch in the UK at the beginning of August, it is gambling that 16-24 year old mobile users will tolerate SMS or MMS ads in return for free text messages and calls.

August? Wait a minute, isn’t that one of those dead times of year that no one ever dreams of launching a new product, because we’re all off on our holidays?

We shall see what happens next.. Blyk are already in the UK pitching to advertisers, so it looks like they’re going to try to make a splash when they arrive.

By the way if you’re wondering what that green thing is in the top right hand corner, it’s apparently Blyk’s logo. Which is nice.