
Blykwatch - 100,000 screaming fans can't be wrong

blykwatch blyk

Blykwatcher Ricky is back again, over to him.

Hola readers

Firstly to start of me of this week is a massive well done to the BLYK team for hitting 100,000 members as one of their members from the very start I have been with them through all the troubles but really think the service is doing well, good luck for their next big milestone of launching in the Netherlands with their partner network over there (Vodafone NL). The other massive news to report is that BLYK have now dropped its text tags (this was where there was a small advert on the end of a free sms sent), this is after the members complained heavily. Initially about three months ago they decided to drop the levels instead of every free sms having an advert to about 50%, now they have scrapped them! It’s great to hear BLYK listening to its members!!

Anyways that is enough of my ramblings time to for you to read about the last two weeks with BLYK!

No Messages until the 17th of April

Thursday 17th April 2008

Two brand SMS Messages advertising two films with an option to reply. The Films were Beyond The Rave and Fools Gold. I replied and got 2 MMS’s back with a small clip and a small synopsis of the film. One feature of BLYK I don’t think I have ever talked about is the free reply. There does not seem to a time limit for example BLYK sent me the brand messages at 4pm and I replied at 4am (12 hours later) and still got the brand messages. This I think is quite cool that the limit is not short (i.e. 4 or 5 hours)!

Saturday 19th April 2008

Another Film brand message which I replied to, this time the film was Pathology. I was also sent details about a competition if I used one of my invite codes I would be entered into a draw to win a trip to the US to see a band. Sadly the trip dates are close to my exams, however it sounded like a great completion. What I like about BLYK competitions is that they are generally free to enter!

Sunday 20th April 2008

Sticking on the film theme (god BLYK once you have one idea you defiantly use it to death, remember about those music messages a got a few weeks ago). They sent a SMS with the numbers for Odeon and Cineworld Cinema’s, initially I was sceptical thinking they would not free but lo and behold I can use my free balance on BLYK to ring 0871 numbers! COOL!

Wednesday 23rd April 2008

BLYK hits 100,000 members today and to celebrate in celebration they are running another competition for 10 people to win 10,000 texts. All I had to do was guess how many members there would be at midnight! 1,000 texts wow that is a lot about 33 a day for 10 months!

Thursday 24th April 2008

BLYK sends out another competition this one linking back to the advert on the 19th it asked for people to review the film in 1 sms! Sadly I have not seen it so I could not enter!

Saturday 26th April

Another film message from BLYK (surely not) , however this time the brand SMS was quite cool as it let me have the option of picking 1 of 3 films and they replied with a review in conjunction with Total Film! Wicked as one of the options was The Eye, sadly the review did not come back to good, I think I am going to have to check out some more reviews before I go and see it!

Saturday 26th April

A received a very random message from BLYK asking which was my favourite chocolate bar, I replied with Mars and they sent me a recipe for a mars smoothie recipe! Very odd, a profiling question I think!! I also received a MMS advert from the metro about a news story with option to click through onto the mobile version of their site, guess what it wasn’t free so I could not click through! Shame Really!

My usual round up, I am sure some of you reading from two weeks ago will want to know if I used that Lucozade coupon sadly I struggled with finding a place that understood how to process the voucher or had the product in stock! Such a real shame as I was excited, some people looked at me as if I was crazy, I have now simply given up trying! It was a shame really, as the idea of a voucher on my phone was such a great idea!

I usually whinge about the lack of data and the usual comments still stand, however I have a new comment to put to BLYK!

POST-PAY (or to us here in the UK contracts), obviously it would have to be over 18’s. As you know my main number is for a FLEXT contract from T-Mobile, a contract is something I cannot do without, I need the flexibility that it offers, however if BLYK could offer a competitive deal with FLEXT (T-mobile) or Mix n Match (3), I would be very tempted!!!

The reverse also applies if T-Mobile wants to start competing with BLYK, then I would be very excited (or I can wait until pigs start flying whichever comes first!)

My final point to leave you with is basically I am LOVING BLYK! Ok there are elements that annoy me but BLYK is exciting, you are thinking how can a mobile network be exciting? and in all honesty I have no idea but I will leave you with this how many people do you know tell you they LOVE their network? Not many I’d bet, so surely BLYK is doing something right and I would think the other 99,999 members of this service would agree with me!