
Blykwatch - Innovation arrives

blykwatch blyk

Blyk watcher Ricky is back once again with what’s been happening the past couple weeks.

BLYK goes Innovative!

Hello it’s time to update you all on my past two weeks of BLYK watching, at the end of the post two weeks ago , I said I wanted BLYK to be innovative well as you read on you will find they only went and delivered. The other thing is that the column has changed from being weekly to fortnightly!

I will jump straight in (as Ewan would say) and you can read my additional comments at the end.

Monday 31st March 2008

No brand messages!

Tuesday 1st April 2008

April Fool’s day and BLYK took part by sending its members a message if they wanted ‘Touch of Spring – BLYK’s air freshening scent directly through your phone’s speaker’, well I obviously decided to play along and say yes, thinking they would send me a cheesy ringtone. Instead I got a message back saying April Fools! It seems like the advertising team and Ewan have a similar crap sense of humour! Ha Ha!!

I also received a brand MMS from Nizlopi (JCB song Fame) sending me a short clip from their new album! It’s ok however it’s no JCB song!

Wednesday 2nd April 2008

A SMS telling me I had been entered into a draw to win an intimate Nizlopi gig! I also received a MMS from The Kooks about their new album; it has a small sound clip. It sounded really good so I need to put it on the student shopping list, for when my student loan comes through!

Thursday 3rd April 2008

Another competition SMS from BLYK asking for a film review in less than 160 characters (1 SMS), however I have not been to the cinema recently so I did not reply.

Friday 4th April 2008

SMS advert from Beat Stevie Crew, if you read my post about their last advert, you will not be surprised to hear that I did not take them up on their offer to see their latest clip. I also received a few MMS adverts from Heat magazine.

Saturday 5th April 2008

SMS Advert from BLYK asking if I wanted to receive messages from gambling services, I replied Yes however I hope the SMS was only sent to the BLYK users over the age of 18. It would be worrying if they did not, anyway I replied with Yes. They sent me another SMS with a free click through able link (WOOO!). However they page after was chargeable so, again BLYK teased but did not offer the full experience!

Sunday 6th April 2008


Monday 7th April 2008

No messages!

Tuesday 8th April 2008

A MMS from Lethal Bizzle (one of the original artists to join up with BLYK), sending out the dates of his tour! Great, love the fact they sending me useful information!

Wednesday 9th April 2008

No messages!

Thursday 10th April 2008

BLYK sent me a MMS informing the winner of the film competition from the 3rd of April and they sent the review out as well!

Friday 11th April 2008

BLYK sent me a MMS advert reminding me the different methods of getting a BLYK invite code, and that I get 5 a month! It seems that BLYK are on a recruitment drive! I also received a MMS telling me about the Rolling Stones movie, which is out in cinema’s today which a normal web link within the message (rubbish)! I also received another t3 review!

Saturday 12th April 2008

I said at the start BLYK has gone innovative and today proved it! Firstly I get a SMS telling me that some brand messages may contain a code that can give you discount or a freebie (always a good word in the student dictionary), all I have to do is show the code to a shop that has a pay point terminal! About an hour later my phone bleeped and a got a code for free bottle of Lucozade! WICKED absolutely wicked, just what I wanted a freebie! BLYK is scoring massive points! To make my day even better they offered me a free ringtone from Jamster, however I had to pay the GPRS charges. With no credit on my account I was unable to do it! Finally to finish the week they sent me a profiling question asking which social networking sites I used, I replied with facebook and they sent me a link of facebook’s mobile site, and reminded me I would have to pay data charges!

To summarise my thoughts of BLYK of the last two weeks they are doing some really cool things and I can imagine when they set up the network this is what they had in mind! The idea of codes by SMS for freebies and discount is amazing; I am yet to try my Lucozade code however I will trying it next time I see a shop with pay point! There are a few niggles like if they send me a click through link it should be free and if they offer me a free ringtone this should include data charges! They also seem to be listing to some of the suggestions I make in this column i.e. more innovation and sending out the winners film review for all to read, instead like last time with the joke competition posting on their blog!

If BLYK sort out the click through ad’s and including a bit a data in the free allowance I can really seeing BLYK being a massive success!

On a final point if BLYK are delivering on my suggestions, my final one for this week would be for an n95 for the writer of BLYK Watch! 😉