
Blykwatch - Music galore and more

blykwatch blyk

Back once again is Blyk Master Ricky ready to instill his great Blyk wisdom upon us.

Sunday 16th March 2008

A SMS from MTV Base telling me about some special shows this week! Kind of Cool!

Monday 17th March 2008

Firstly a MMS informing me of that the band Operator Please (I still have never heard of them except from BLYK) is releasing their album and they highlighted that Zane Lowe (radio 1 DJ) and NME think they are good. The best bit was the interactive content, a sound clip of one of their songs, ok so it’s not my music but hopefully BLYK realises that this is what we want! I also received a second MMS from a band called the Metros with yes you guessed it a short mp3 clip. When you press listen with my phone (k550i), I had the option to set it as my ringtone now that is potentially a cool feature, BLYK sends me a short clip and within a matter a seconds it can be my ringtone!

Tuesday 18th March 2008

Can you guess what I am going to say, yup another mp3 clip of a new single from that band everyone (well BLYK anyway) have heard of Operator Please, however there was a competition as well to win one of their signed records. I entered sadly I did not receive a reply back so I am presuming I did not win!
I received a SMS from T3 tech news asking what I would want to add to my bed, a) iPod dock b) Hi Def projector and C) mattress heating. I replied with B) of course, no reply came back to me though!

Finally I got a MMS from T3, telling BLYK customers are being offered a special gift of either free headphones, HDMI cables (WOOP bet they are fun) or 3 issues of T3 for 1p. It asked if I was interested and points me to a website…. NO NO NO is what I am thinking, there should be a mobile site which I can access for free so I can see what headphones I could get. My view is there are trying to sell me something then make it easy not hard by making me go on to a computer. So I never did subscribe, oh well!
No brand messages until the 22nd of March

Saturday 22nd March 2008

A MMS from BLYK telling me I can now top up in the post office! Cool, handy to know if I ever needed it, as yet I have had the sim for nearly 6 months and I have not topped up!
I also received a SMS from BLYK asking to reply with a joke and the funniest would win 500 texts. Again something new and cool, I replied with a rubbish joke. Will I win? I doubt it LOL!

Sunday 23nd March 2008
No Brand messages

Monday 24th March 2008

A SMS from another band called the Long Blondes, giving me a myspace link and telling me their record is out now in the shops!

Tuesday 25th March 2008

A SMS from T3 (again) asking if I wanted to read a short review on a laptop from Ferrari. Go on I thought, since it was free I replied with a Yes. They sent me a small review and a picture in the form of MMS, only one thing was missing the price but somehow I think it would be out of my price range.

Wednesday 26th March 2008

No messages!

Thursday 27th March 2008

A message from…. t3 (wow they really want me to buy their magazine). It was just another small MMS review about IPod Docks. I would go into more details however the T3 messages are starting to bore me.

Friday 28th March 2008

A SMS from BLYK concerning the joke competition, telling me the winner was online on the BLYK blog. They could have a least sent it to me by SMS! I also received a SMS from STA Travel asking if I wanted to fly to South America for GBP439! Lovely, however slightly out of price range, however they did include a free phone number which I tried and it came out of my BLYK free balance and there was also another useless web links.

No brand messages on the 29th and 30th March!

From reading my diary you can probably guess my one big issue and that is simply the number of web links being sent to me in MMS messages. None of the sites have a mobile version included within the BLYK portal, something I think BLYK is seriously missing out on. When they send me a link I want to be able to see it there and then, NOT when I get home, they would be better of me sending me an email not MMS if that was the case.

Another issue is the bombardment of messages on some days and sometimes you get nothing for a few days, if they spread them out a bit more to make a more even spread of adverts and less repetitiveness like the T3 ones. Yes the content is different however the delivery and style of the messages is EXACTLY the same every time. I want BLYK to be innovative and interesting like when they send me short mp3 clips.

A couple of operational issues I would also want to bring up, I read on the BLYK forum that they do not have the facility to PAC a number away from their network and the customer was told to wait three months! 3 Bloody Months, what an absolute joke and on the same issue we are still waiting for delivery reports and the ability to MMS other UK networks. They will be available in the ‘foreseeable future’; hmm it seems that BLYK is not competing with the big boys just yet!