
Brad Rees, MD of Mediacells on the T-Mobile G1

Our second executive opinion on the T-Mobile G1 launch is from Brad Rees, the Managing Director of Mediacells (the leading independent supplier of fact-based market insight in the mobile arena).

For those who haven’t met Brad, he’s an former journalist, who began his career with Reuters, before migrating to popular Fleet Street brands for United News and Media and held the role of Senior Producer of CBS Sportsline’s Prior to founding Mediacells, Brad worked for T-Mobile developing the company’s multimedia propositions and was senior media propositions manager at T-Mobile International.

Right then. Over to Brad!

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It’s a feather in T-Mobile’s cap to get the exclusive. Nokia produced a phone that was built for the internet in 2004, the tablet. It appealed to tech geeks and latest-of-the-greatest consumer junkies and never hit the mass market. The question is – has the European consumer moved on since 2004.

A lot has happened since the launch of the tablet to change the consumer mindset of what a mobile phone should be and do. Sony Ericsson have launched their Walkman and Cybershot devices in the interim, making the mobile device as much a lifestyle tool as a communication device.

The iPhone has burst the banks of the capped flat rate data tariff with iPhone users consistently consuming more data than the flat rate originally allowed. The proliferation of iClone devices from Samsung, LG, Sony Ericsson and soon Nokia shows how much desire the manufacturer has to make touchscreen, internet etc. a way of life.

But Mediacells consumer research informs that there, despite packages like T-Mobile’s Web’n’Walk is still a reticence in the 16-24 year old bracket to embrace the mobile internet because of data charges – this is a real fear in this segment. This is also compounded in the older members of this bracket, the 22 – 24 year olds, with a distrust of large online companies like Google because of the fuzziness around perceptions of who owns your personal data when you surf online.

Brad Rees is Managing Director and founder of Mediacells, the leading independent supplier of fact-based market insight in the mobile arena.

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Thank you Brad!