
British Startups: Stop talking and start doing

I have to say I’m pretty impressed with Techcrunch of late. They’ve been running some smart editorials and the one published yesterday by Paul Stamatiou (Co-Founder of Picplum) serves as an excellent reminder for startups everywhere, especially first time entrepreneurs.

Paul’s message? Stop f*cking about. It’s not tongue-in-cheek. He’s serious and he sets out some smart points that I’m sure many entrepreneurs will benefit from implementing.

In the UK in particular I do often come across lots of people who are notworking (as apposed to networking). That is, folk with a great idea but who are professionally doing nothing most days whilst calling the activity a ‘startup’.

I was thinking of these people — and of course myself — when I was reading down Paul’s post…

Every time I drive into San Francisco and see the skyline, it’s a strong reminder that I’m fortunate to be in a time and place where I have wanted to be for so long, with such a vibrant and strong tech community. And that I better not fuck it up wasting time and being unproductive. I’m not here to talk about your startup idea, offer Backbone.js tips, discuss how to find your first customers or offer tips to pimp out your AngelList profile. I just want to say a few words on how to work. This is a post to new entrepreneurs about getting shit done.

via First-Time Startup Entrepreneurs: Stop Fucking Around | TechCrunch.