
British absolutely suck at mobile data (Americans use it twice as often)

Gahh. Electronista has news of a new M:Metrics study that puts Britains in their place when it comes to mobile data…

Americans browse the web on their cellphones almost twice as often as their British counterparts even without the help of web-friendly devices like the iPhone, according to a new study by M:Metrics. Despite the reputation of Europeans as more openly embracing smartphones, Americans in March were known to spend an average of four hours and 38 minutes per month on websites using their phones versus almost exactly two and a half hours for British users. The difference is largely attributed to the prevalence of flat-rate data plans in the US, which give customers either a block of data or unlimited access instead of the metering that more often exists in Europe.

No wonder when you recognise that a whopping percentage of the UK runs on Orange and it’s ultra backward, ultra shit, ultra piss-poor data price plans. That doesn’t actually work at the moment.
