
Bubble Motion hits one billion voice SMS messages

Congratulations to the team over at Bubble Motion. I’ve been following them for a long time — and they’ve just recently hit the magic 1 billion mark for the transmission of their voice SMS service.

Voice SMS — or ‘Sending a Bubble’ or ‘Bubbling’ as users call it, is hugely, hugely popular across the markets that support it, particularly in the Far East. Here in Europe we’ve never had much of an opportunity to get into bubbling because our operators haven’t really taken to it. Which is a huge, huge shame. A massive shame. Indeed, it’s something I’m rather annoyed at. I’d rather have the opportunity to try something out, rather than have some arse at the mobile operator HQ make the decision for me.

Meanwhile Bubble Motion are knocking back the records. Bring on the 2 billion mark, guys!