
Bus driver sacked for txt lottery addiction

Link: The Scotsman – International – Bus driver a mobile lottery loser

Spare a thought for Leszek Wojcik, a former bus driver from Slupsk in Poland. Having set his hopes on winning a 100,000 zloty (about £17,600) lottery prize, he decided to use his company mobile to send a text to enter the competition, at 2.4 slotys (around 42p). Then he had another go. And another. And another.

38,000 entries later, and having racked up a bill of about 94,000 zloty (£16,500), company officials noticed he’d exceeded his 15 zlotys (£2.60) a month phone bill allowance, and promptly gave him the sack.

It’s not known quite how he managed to send an average of 1,200 texts a day and still find time to drive his bus. Needless to say he didn’t win the competition, and is now without a job.