
Cab Ride Confessionals - sponsored by Nokia

Got this sent to us by SMS Text News Reader Julian…

I was offered a free cab ride this morning from Covent Garden to Arundle St by a middle aged, quite well dressed American lady who claimed to be doing interviews for a consulting company working for Nokia.

Anything for amusement value (and a 280 second cab ride), I agreed and she did an ‘tell it in your own words’ video interview on
* what is my current phone (p800 – bought new, uncontracted 2 weeks after release)
* what is my relationship with it (we are aging well together – I am waiting for the next most revolutionary phone to be released. Who wants a dot point upgrade – etc)
* what would my relationship be like with a Nokia (probably much better, but I can’t be fagged fiddling to the extent I would need to tailor S60 to give me the full benefit of upgrading)
* what do I think of Nokia (retro styling that is mostly good, technically briallantly, most advanced OS and really good linkage for online services but impossible to unlock the functionality for a normal user).
* who is up there with Nokia (Apple with the iPhone – technically no where near the technical highwater mark of Nokia but you get 90% of the functionality up front when you turn it on which is better 120% with a lot of effort)

I burbled on. I should have asked her outright for a business card so I could send you her contact details but I was really just on my way to work.

She seemed happy enough with my answers which were largely informed by smstextnews and a couple of years of technology development at the hard end of things.

Great idea! I love it!