
Calling Vodafone in a moment about my bill

I’m about to call Vodafone. I’ve got a bit of space in my day dedicated to calling up to see what they say about whacking me for 220 quid’s worth of data. Dear me.

Here’s what I think will happen:

– I get connected to a nice person at customer services
– They look at my account and tell me I used ‘XX’ megs of data.
– I explain I understand this but I can’t tolerate being billed this much for it, not when there are other operators with (arguably better) data services that are priced a lot more sensibly.
– I think at this point, the customer services person will have to do a virtual shrug. I doubt there will be much more they can do.
– If that’s the case, that’s me. I’ll swap right-away to another operator. I don’t think there’s much point in phoning the Vodafone PR team. It’s a company-wide issue, right? There’s hardly much they’ll be able to do for me. I cannot be arsed to wait for them to introduce a higher level data bundle. Not at 220 pounds a month EXTRA.

Pah. Let’s call’em then…