
Can anyone send me the MusicStation SIS file?

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I’ve been wanting to try out Omnifone‘s MusicStation for absolutely ages. It looks like a rather graceful method of accessing and playing music on one’s S60 handset, plus it is also the only decent alternative to iTunes that I’m aware of.

I’ve been trying to get a demo but I’ve not been crazy-keen enough to go out and *buy* an N95 8GB from Vodafone just to do so.

I tried using my Nokia E90 to download the application from the Vodafone site. Unfortunately it won’t let the E90 access the download page. I’m reliably informed that it *should* work on an E90… just, I can’t get at the SIS file . If you’ve got the SIS file anywhere, could you whack it to me by email?

If you’re a MusicStation user, could you write me an email with your thoughts on it? I’ve had a lot of enquiries from people wondering what my opinion is … and, well, apart from replying ‘Er, it, well, it looks good but I haven’t actually tried it,’ I’m reduced to delivering blank looks.