
Can we show off some Christmas cheer?

If you’ve got any super examples of Christmas cheer going on and you manage to capture any good ones on your cameraphone, ShoZu them over to me at and we’ll stick them up during this period of festivities.

Did anyone get some good presents?

I mean decent ones, not socks.

What did Santa bring you?

  • 1 point if it’s clothing.
  • 2 points if it’s aftershave or stuff for your face.
  • 2.5 points if it’s chocolates. Decent chocolates mind. Chocolate Oranges? +1 bonus.
  • 5 points if it’s AAA or AA battery powered.
  • 6 points if you CAN hide it and no one will ever mention it again.
  • 7 points if you can easily eBay it.
  • 10 points if it’s powered by mains electricity.
  • 15 points if it’s powered by mains electricity and a rechargable battery.
  • 20 points if it’s a radio controlled helicopter.
  • 25 points if you got a new mobile handset.

Add them up and let’s play Mobile Industry Review Christmas Points. Who got the highest?