
Canada - Lower cellphone rates ahead? – Lower cellphone rates ahead?

Citing a need for cheaper cellphone rates and better service, the federal government has taken a key step toward promoting competition in Canada’s $12.7 billion wireless sector by setting aside a slice of the airwaves for would-be service providers.

Industry Minister Jim Prentice said yesterday that the government has decided to set aside nearly 14 per cent of the available wireless spectrum, or 40 megaHertz, for “new entrants” into the Canadian wireless business.

Another 65 mHz will go to the highest bidder in an auction beginning May 27.

The government’s long-awaited decision comes amid rising concern about the state of wireless competition in Canada, where the three major national players – Rogers Communications Inc., BCE Inc. and Telus Corp. – collectively control about 95 per cent of market.

Yay! Here’s hoping it gets better…