
Can't somebody please just fix Android's rubbish bits?


This is the screen that popped up earlier on one of the Android tablets I own.

The device is requesting that I approve connections for all the apps listed. In fact the list goes on for another two screens.

Do I want to give permission to “com.wipereceiver”? Possibly. Maybe. What?

It how about “DSMLawmo”? No fracking idea.

I almost hit “approve” but I decided to decline. Not today Android.

State your reason for existing beyond being the default cheap alternative?

Seriously who is running this UI experience? Who is responsible for displaying this utter jibberish? I’m sure there’s a valid reason for “Factory Test” to require me to give access to my personal gmail account. So tell me why. Or better still, just make the decision for me. I don’t get this crap on Apple or on a BlackBerry Playbook.

Maybe it is a Google Apps thing?

You’d think that Google would have been able to spare me the pain.

The Google Play store does a better job at explaining what the security access requirements are of particular apps. They try at least to use normal English.

But read this and weep:


That is the application description field for the BBC iPlayer App for Android. You have to feel for the developers who were forced to include explanations for the likes of “WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE”.

One day all of this on Android will just work without users having to parse stupidly badly defined system elements themselves.