
Cellufun hits the jackpot with AOL deal

I was popping in and out of the media room at CTIA this afternoon when I spotted Michael Selvidge, PR Dude (that’s what his job title says on his card) of VSC Consulting. They do a lot of mobile related public relations and I regularly connect with Michael to find out what’s happening with his roster of clients. It was a surprise to bump into him — he was with client Cellufun — manifested, in this case, by Arthur Goikhman, Chief Executive.

Cellufun has been operating ad-supported mobile games since April 2006 — positively eons in the context of the US mobile industry — and in that time they’ve delivered downloads to over 4 million consumers across the planet. They offer a whole load of games (single, multiplayer, Chess, Sudoku, Casino games and so on) and if you’ve got a wap enabled phone… well, let’s face it, who hasn’t — you can get games at

Arthur was looking pretty happy about today’s news — AOL came a-knocking and Arthur and his team will be providing games for AOL’s burgeoning mobile portal (check it at Good news. Although Cellufun are no stranger to good news. (They won Best Mobile Game at Mobile World Congress recently for their Call of the Pharaoh game).

Congratulations Cellufun!