
Change your phone as often as phones change (O2 Refresh)

This morning on the train platform I caught sight of an advert in the Metro newspaper from O2. It read, “Change your phone as often as phones change.”

This is a really, really good advertising statement. I like it a lot — I think it will resonate with quite a few people.

All readers of MIR know that phones change like the wind. You get a window of about 4-6 months where, if you buy the phone when is launched, you get to feel like you’re using the best possible device on the market.

Routinely there will be another one along to rival your chosen device from a rival manufacturer either immediately or at least a few months afterwards. Give it 8 or 9 months and it’s not unusual to find yourself holding last decade’s technology, particularly if there’s been an OS refresh or significant technology update.

O2’s Refresh price plan concept is, I think I’m right in saying, the first time we’ve ever seen a leading operator in the UK segment the price plan cost from the device legally — so that you can choose to upgrade without contract penalties at any point.

I hope it’s resonating nicely with the public. I’ll need to catch up with O2 shortly and find out. Over the weekend though I walked into a few O2 stores and heard lots of conversation about “refresh”. This bodes well. It should also be a no-brainer for the majority of customers.

Good news. I’m seriously giving some thought to trying it out myself.