
Channel4's £50k 'admin costs' non-fine for 'misleading' voters

Link: BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Big Brother ‘misled’ phone voters

The premium rate phones watchdog, Icstis, has ruled that Channel 4’s Big Brother breached its guidelines during the series which finished in August.

More than 2,600 complaints were made after it was announced that contestants – already evicted by a phone vote – would be allowed another chance to win.

Viewers claimed they had been misled after paying to vote out housemates.

Channel 4 admitted the oversight. It escaped a fine but must pay almost £50,000 in administrative costs.

Steve saw this and, like many in the industry, has had enough of it, commenting:

I’m afraid ruling that Channel 4 breached ICSTIS guidelines but then “let them off” like this really does nothing positive for the industry! It just convinces others that the “earn a million with one hand, get a slap with a silken handkerchief on the other hand” model is a winner!!