
Channel 4 facing £2.35m refund to viewers

Link: Channel 4 You Say We Pay row escalates | Broadcast |

Premium-rate phone service regulator Icstis is standing by its assertion that Channel 4 is facing having to refund up to £2.35m to viewers affected by the You Say We Pay quiz scandal, despite a protest from the broadcaster.

I was focusing on the 150k fine to Eckoh on Friday — so much — that I missed the news Channel 4 is also in the frame.

£2.35m is a) a lot of money and b) a total arse to administrate in terms of refunds. I wonder what’ll happen?

Generally speaking, it’s the service provider that has to cough up regarding fines — their clients are then generally billed for the fine — and everyone’s content. Tapping Channel 4 for a refund is ballsy!