
Clickatell help you to help yourself

Clickatell have partnered with Dutch self help service provider to create an interactive, mobile-powered self development programme that can give you a nudge via email and SMS when your willpower wanes. Even better, the messaging technology keeps members in touch with each other to stay motivated, making Growerz a pioneer in this new world of tech-enhanced self-development and motivation.’s Web-based service offers users customised programmes, consisting of an interactive online course and additional self-help reference material, to effect changes in their lives. Using SMS and email messages, users (called ‘Growerz’) are prompted to focus on goals and assignments for personal growth and make the necessary lifestyle changes.

With the July 1st ban on public smoking in England looming, maybe it’s time to quit the habit? Hop over to and you can get their quit smoking programme for just $49.95. Bargain!