
Confessions of a mobile phone

Tomi Ahonen has written an excellent ‘day in the life of a mobile phone’ — from the perspective of a mobile handset itself.

I really enjoyed it. Here’s a sample:

I start in the morning with the alarm. My owner is slow to wake up and will hit the snooze button, usually twice. So we get three contacts before he is even really “awake”. He touches me 3 times while still mostly in a sleep state. He must love me.

But once he is focused enough to recognize its time to get up, the next thing he’ll always do, is to see if there are messages and calls. And during the night there often are. So the day will then start by looking at the phone calls log and the inbound messages. That gives him 1 more contact with me.

Fantastic. I wonder just how many millions of people this day-in-the-life applies to!

Read the full post here.