
Congratulations to the 2011 Meffys Winners

I didn’t manage to make it through the whole awards dinner at the Meffys on Thursday as I had to get back home — my little boy wasn’t too well.

I saw the first two awards and then left — not before I witnessed some riotous commentary from TV personality, comedienne and author, Ruby Wax. She certainly woke up the audience!

Here are the winners:

Best Ad Campaign
The Coca Cola Company for Sprite Slam Dunk 2011
– this is super news for Coca Cola given the amount of investment they’ve been making in the mobile space.

Best Blockbuster App
Research In Motion for BlackBerry Travel
– it was good to see BlackBerry’s efforts with ‘Travel’ rewarded. It really is a stonkingly good app — if you travel often and you’ve got a BlackBerry, make sure you check it out.

Best Brand on Mobile
Velti and Ericsson IPX for A&N Mobile CRM
– Velti in particular have been doing a lot of good work in the marketing sector recently. I’m going to try and sit down with them shortly to learn some more.

Best Content
AKQA for Nigella Quick Collection
– I saw Dan Rosen of AKQA walking around in the pre-dinner drinks but I didn’t get a chance to say hello. The work they did with Nigella’s Quick Collection app was — as usual for AKQA — brilliant.

Best Content Discovery & Personalisation
Shazam for Shazam for TV
– well, what can you say? Shazam is an industry stalwart and their rather innovative approach to ‘shazazming’ television episodes/ads

Best Game
Electronic Arts for Dead Space on iPad, iPhone and iPod touch
– I haven’t managed to play it yet but it looks excellent

Best Innovation in a Mobile First Market
ForgetMeNot Africa for their Message Optimiser
– very well deserved, this — the ‘message optimiser’ system bridges the gap between PC and mobile messaging using SMS.

Best Innovative App
Onavo for Onavo Data Shrinking App for iPhone and iPad
– I saw one of the Onavo chaps walking around and again, I didn’t manage to catch him to say hello. Very much worth a look, Onavo, especially if you’re a regular data roamer.

Best Innovative Business Model
Hungama Mobile for Vishal & Shekhar Mobile Music Concert
– Hungama’s Albert Almedia was part of the panel I moderated at the MEF Global event during the day so I’m pleased to see they picked up this award.

Best M-Commerce Service
Eagle Eye Solutions for Karen Millen Mobile Gift Vouchers
– A well deserved award for a nice in-store retail concept

Best Mobile Connected Device
Apple for iPad2
– there’s nothing to say here, I don’t think…

Best Mobile Website
CBS Interactive for
– The CBS team have long been mobile innovators — if memory serves, I think they picked up three awards at last year’s Meffys. Good work.

Best Music Service
Aspiro Music for WiMP
– a nice approach to mobile music!

Best Social Media Service
Movellas for Movellas
– utterly brilliant this — the ability to publish your own ebook entirely via the mobile platform (and of course, consume ‘movellas’ directly from your phone).

Best Technology Innovation
OnStar for Onstar Mobile App
– this, I absolutely love. The ability to lock your car from a mobile app? LOVE it. Ability to start the engine remotely on a cold morning? Genius. I also really, really like the ‘MyLink’ service that tells you how much fuel you’ve got left along with an ‘oil’ health status. Anyway, well deserved.

Best TV & Video Service
Saffron Digital for Media Hub
– this was for their service on the Samsung Galaxy S smartphoen that enables users to browse, purchase and download an array of films and television programmes. It’s good to see this kind of service get publicity. We need to see more of this in the marketplace.

Congratulations everyone 🙂