
Copilot Live HD for the iPad 3G is coming soon; looks *amazing*

CoPilot Live HD for iPad 3G models has gone live. It’s only available in America and it’s designed *specifically* for the iPad 3G model (as you’ll want to get data live from the CoPilot servers as you navigate). All street maps are stored on the device though.

The HD version makes proper, PROPER use of the massive iPad screen real estate with the rather nice split screen driving mode (as illustrated above). That offers uncluttered 3D/2D maps along with clear turn instructions. And you can have the experience in portrait or landscape mode.

You will need some kind of stand or holder though. I haven’t seen many of them around yet.

Here’s a little more from the CoPilot release:

Initially launched in North America to coincide with the U.S. release of GPS-enabled iPad 3G models, detailed street-level maps are stored directly on the iPad. Customers do not need to download maps for each trip or worry about being left stranded without maps in mobile dead spots. Apps for additional regions will be launched as the iPad 3G becomes available worldwide in coming months.
More than just turn-by-turn navigation, CoPilot Live HD’s powerful offline trip planning and route preview features allow travellers to plan door-to-door itineraries on their iPad before they hit the road. Users can enter multiple stops for a single journey and optimise to calculate the most efficient route. Advanced features include integral access to local search, real-time weather information, and the ability to create customised routing profiles that best suit personal preferences.

“CoPilot Live HD provides an absolutely sensational GPS navigation and planning experience on iPad 3G,” said Michael Kornhauser, Managing Director at ALK Technologies. “Developing for iPad was a natural step following the tremendous popularity of our CoPilot Live iPhone app. It’s a really fantastic platform for navigation that allows us to fully exploit the many years of expertise we have gained from supporting tablet computers with our CoPilot Live Laptop products.”

CoPilot Live HD North America has been submitted to the appstore for approval, and is expected to be available to buy for iPad 3G in early May. Pricing will be the same as for the CoPilot Live iPhone app with no ongoing fees or subscriptions.

And if you’d like to admire some more screenshots, check out the CoPilot HD Flickr Gallery.