
Creating loyalty is difficult: A fascinating read for operators wondering why it's all going wrong

Two of IBM’s top telecoms chaps have put together a terrific piece published on Telecom Asia exploring the issue of mobile operator customer loyalty. I strongly recommend anyone working at a mobile operator takes the time to read through it.

On the back of IBM’s rather exhaustive telecoms consumer survey, they’ve outlined some rather direct findings. Take this paragraph, for example:

The survey results reveal that globally only 18% are advocates, contrasting sharply with industries as retail and banking, where the level of advocacy is twice that of the telecom industry. A majority of customers – some 60% – are antagonistic toward their CSP [“Communications Service Provider”]. In other words, three out of every five customers have negative opinions about their communications providers. These antagonists cost more to support and are prone to speak negatively about their provider through social media, but are typically not telling their CSP about their problems.

via Creating loyalty is difficult | Telecom Asia.

What’s interesting here is that — broadly speaking — they’re telling me what I already know — but with the facts and figures to back it up. Shocking.

If anything, their post takes what I thought was the case and hits it for six. It’s worse than we thought.

The authors of the post are Nick Gurney (Managing Partner, Communications Sector) and Rob van den Dam, (Global Telecommunications Industry Leader).

Super work chaps.