
Dell's bluetooth compatible printers

dell 958w

I met a lady this evening from Dell. She was telling me all about their bluetooth-compatible printers. I know this isn’t particularly revolutionary — per se — bluetooth printers have been around for some time. Just, in my mind, I’ve always had ‘bluetooth printers’ associated with those small video-tape sized rather ugly looking photo printers — the ones you buy especially to print photos. I never associated bluetooth with proper desktop printers.

So when she mentioned bluetooth, a spark went off in my head. Of course. Smart. With so many millions of people walking around with good quality camera phones, fitting bluetooth as standard strikes me as an excellent idea. Instead of having to copy a picture from your phone to your computer, and THEN printing it… why not just bluetooth it? Convenience.

Of course this sort of thing has been possible for a long time. It’s not rocket science, I know. But I just bought a printer — an HP one (an impulse buy when I was out shopping for a wireless router) and I’ve just discovered that it doesn’t have bluetooth. Arse.

It looks like quite a lot of the Dell USA printer line-up include Bluetooth as standard. I’m going to try and get hold of one to try it out.