
Devon village gets phone podium

Link: The Sun Online – News: The only signal in the village

We’ve probably all done silly things in our time to improve reception during a mobile call – sticking my head out the window springs to mind for me. However, I think this one takes the biscuit ever so slightly!

LOCALS have been queuing to use a bench on their village green . . . because it is the only place they can make a mobile phone call.

Residents discovered that by standing on the seat they can get a signal. Now the parish council in East Prawle, Devon, is building a 2ft podium for them to use.

The nearest Orange cell is apparently two miles away, so why not just put in a microcell? According to Parish Councillor Julian Brazil: ‘You don’t get a mobile telephone signal in East Prawle and people don’t want a phone mast. People have been complaining the bench is getting broken so it has been decided to get a mounting block.’

So there you go. Another wonderful example of good old English eccentricity 🙂