
Diabetes UK launch first ever charity mobile membership

Diabetes UK Mobile Membership

Diabetes UK Mobile Membership

Diabetes UK is the first UK charity to launch a mobile membership service, making it easier than ever before for people to become members of the charity, and therefore helping it to fund its vital work supporting the 3.9 million people living with diabetes in the UK.

This ground-breaking new service enables supporters to join Diabetes UK via their mobile phone, and then receive all of their monthly membership content via SMS text messages. This includes tailored, up-to-date diabetes information that is specific to their diabetes type and also information for parents of children with diabetes.

Diabetes UK offers mobile membership

Members also receive access to the Diabetes UK publications app where they can view copies of Diabetes UK’s flagship magazine for people living with diabetes, Balance, and the charity’s latest support guides on their mobile phone in place of receiving printed copies.

Diabetes UK has launched the new service in recognition of the increasing popularity of mobile media devices, such as smartphones, especially among young adults. Figures from Ofcom, published in 2015 [i], show that smartphone use has more than doubled in the last five years, from 30 per cent of adults in 2010 to 66 per cent in 2014, and those aged under 55 are more likely than all adults to use a smartphone.

Diabetes UK Mobile MembershipSvetlana Kirov, Diabetes UK Interim Director of Fundraising, said: “We are delighted to launch the first ever charity mobile membership. This ground-breaking new service makes it really easy for people to become members, receiving all the benefits this brings as well as helping us to fund essential services and pioneering research to improve the lives of everyone affected by diabetes”.

“Through mobile membership our members can get diabetes advice, tailored to their needs, wherever they are. It couldn’t be easier to sign up with it taking seconds to become a member via a mobile phone, instead of having to fill out a lengthy paper forms and providing payment details, so it is perfect for people who are on the go and leading busy lives”.

“With people using their mobiles across a wide range of activities it was really important to us that we adapted our membership so that this too is accessible to people via a mobile platform.”

“As well as helping us to fund our work supporting people with diabetes, the new service will empower people living with diabetes to gain better control over their condition, and ultimately their lives, with the essential diabetes information they need at their fingertips”.

Diabetes UK’s mobile membership service was developed in partnership with Open Fundraising and uses their mobilise platform.

The service costs £3 per month and these donations are taken directly from your phone bill.

The Diabetes UK Publications app is compatible on iPhones, iPads, android smartphones / tablets, Amazon Fire phone and Kindle HDs.

To sign up to become a mobile member visit the website.

[1] Ofcom: Adults’ media use and attitudes (2015) – click here.

Mobile Industry Review would like to thank Nzinga Cotton of Diabetes UK for providing the information contained within this article.