
Disability charity Scope launches text outreach service

Ah this is neat. Scope, the national disability organisation, has launched an outreach service via text message. As a result, people can send text messages (free of charge — I need to check if it’s actually a free shortcode) to the Scope Response team. The enquiry can be on cerebral palsy or a range of disability related issues.

When a text arrives, Scope’s Response team reply by text — or if appropriate, request a call/email conversation if a detailed reply is needed.

Steve Cairns, the Head of Scope Response is enthusiastic about the new addition:

Disabled people often don’t have as much access to computers as non-disabled people do, largely due to financial reasons. This text-based service is a great way for us to reach out to people, wherever they are.

Quite right. It’s a brilliant medium — and an excellent method of connecting with people, particularly youngsters.

Steve continues:

“Our Scope Response service is a lifeline to people, particularly to parents of children who have been newly diagnosed with CP, and we wanted to be able to support them in any way we could. The addition of a text-based service means we have another way of providing free and confidential advice to disabled people and their families.”

Totally agree. There’s no better medium, I think. The mobile is extremely personal — and the ability to make confidential (and free) enquiries via one’s mobile will be a valuable service I’m sure.

Scope’s Response team are on 0800 800 3333, response [at] — and you can get them via text by sending the keyword SCOPE then your message to shortcode 80039.

View the full news release.