Do you keep a PAYG handset in your car for emergencies?
I popped out the other night for 10 minutes.
Just 10 minutes. Popped to the shop to get some stuff then back again.
Didn’t take my phone. I was traveling light. Living for now. Frankly I couldn’t be arsed to stick the Nokia E90 into my jeans pocket.
On the way to the shop I passed a guy who’s car had obviously broken down. A nice new BMW X6. He was a bit annoyed judging by his expression on his face as he (presumably) called the AA.
When I drove back home I saw the AA had already arrived. The chap was being taken care of. No need for me to stop and offer assistance.
It got me thinking though.
I felt naked without a handset.
I normally take a handset (or two) with me whenever I go out. But on this occasion I didn’t. And it would have been typical if that had been the time when the oil or whatever screwed up on my Range Rover and woosh, I find myself stuck in the middle of nowhere with a long walk ahead of me. And no handset.
So maybe I should have an emergency PAYG handset in the glove box. That’s what I started thinking.
Then I thought I better ask the MIR audience and see what they do. They’ll know best.
Thoughts? Should I go and get one, stick a tenner on it and leave it in the glovebox?