
Doing things in Sequence - the hidden Nokia feature!

Last week I was fortunate enough to be invited along to take part in a new Food-based event rather amusingly entitled – ‘Nom Nom Nom’.

The brainchild of London Underground Blogger, Annie Mole – Food 2.0 Nom Nom Nom, (to give it its full title), was a LOT of fun.
I was there in two capacities. First as a representative of SpinVox, (lead sponsors of the event) and second, as a competitor;

The event you see was the online/digital version if you will, of Masterchef.

As one half of GO TEAM SIX (the other half being my good friend Ribot, foodie, photographer and a mobile UI designer to boot), the challenge was twofold.

First to create three dishes (one of which had to be cold) for four people in just under two and a half hours. The second to create ‘output’ for the Nom Nom Nom blog pages.

Ribot and I, being the mobile geeks of the group, Qik’d and photographed EVERYTHING. I went armed with my N95 8GB, my spare N95-1, (packing an 8GB Micro SD), and also my rather snazzy Nokia Tripod.


After reading a blog post by a fellow contestant – one Russell Davies – I had an idea for the day’s content. As well as Qikking left, right and centre and of course, snapping anything that moved I decided to set my N95-1 to SEQUENCE MODE.

What is this crazy mode of which I speak? Well, at first I had no idea. I even put a call out to try and find some software for my phone that would allow me to do this… One email conflab with Mr Davies later and it turns out that this mode is right there! And what’s more – it’s been there the whole time!

sequence 1

I never knew it was there. I had to be told about it. That’s right. The first Mobile Geek of London didn’t know about sodding sequence mode!
(but it’s ok – I did my research – not many other folk knew about it either)

Moving swiftly onward – I popped my N95-1 into the tripod (as shown above) and set sequence mode to go off every minute…

sequence 2

sequence 3

Over the course of the afternoon, while Ribot and I put our chosen dishes together, my cheeky little handset took 154 different photos. And to what end?

Well – with the content that came out of it – I was able to create the following video.

Shot on a Nokia N95-1, standing on a Nokia Tripod and edited together using Windows Movie Maker, (who needs a Mac anyway?)

I know this ain’t ‘news’ per se. But it’s a feature I didn’t know about and it’s made me look at my N95 in a completely different light.

I thought I’d share it and show you just what’s possible.
The original N95 still manages to surprise even me.
