
Don't forget free WiFi in most UK McDonalds

Don't forget free WiFi in most UK McDonalds
This poster is advertised at Liverpool Street Station as people come out of the underground (‘the subway’). I like seeing proprietors advertising free WiFi – I think it’s a boon for many. I actually filled out a survey with the McDonalds system, powered by The Cloud – I congratulated them for launching the service and pointed out that they’d earned perhaps a tenner from me in a week (a few cokes) that I wouldn’t otherwise have given to McDonalds were it not for the WiFi service.??Has anyone else tried the service out? If you’re ever in a bind and need wireless, think McDonalds… I’m luvin’ it!
– Taken at 12:52 PM on July 02, 2008 – cameraphone upload by ShoZu