
eBuddy's funky mobile instant messenger application

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I can’t recall where I found out about eBuddy‘s new mobile instant messenger application. I’ve only been using it for a day on my Nokia E61i, however I’m finding it quite smart.

I’m normally a big Agile Messenger user but for some reason it’s just been totally disagreeing with my E61i in recent months, leading to me developing a persistent hankering for a Blackberry sporting Google Talk.

eBuddy’s application is really simple and very easy to use. I downloaded and signed-in on MSN within 60 seconds. I’m still used to the Agile way of doing things — that is, you type your text into the screen below the conversation flow. With eBuddy, you’re taken to a text input screen first to enter your text, then you return back to the conversation. Flicking between user conversations is as simple as pressing left or right on the Nokia’s cursor control pad.

Right now, the eBuddy application supports AOL, Yahoo and MSN — I’m sure (and I hope) they’ll soon offer Google Talk support through a future update. Meantime the application looks solid and functional. I’m going to try and give it a good amount of use.

They’re serious about development. Their site reports that they have beta versions of the application for the usual suspects (Symbian, Windows Mobile) but also offer support for NEC, LG, Sharp, Siemens and Sagem…!

Get hold of the application here.