
Eckoh takes legal advice over the 'source'

Seen the Eckoh press release about the recent goings on?

Eckoh is aware that its integrity and professional reputation has been brought into question by a series of articles in the press in the past three weeks based on information provided by a “source”.

The information that has been provided has been largely misleading, inaccurate, and more recently completely fabricated. The Company’s primary concern has always been that the public are not deceived and it believes that it has a duty to defend its reputation and those of its customers.

As a result, the Company is taking legal advice against those supplying this information and is reporting the matter to the police today.

So does that mean that Eckoh know exactly who’s briefing against them? They must know (or suspect?) the identity of the ‘source’ in order to whack’em with some sort of legal action. But then again, you’re not exactly whacking anyone with anything if you’re taking legal advice about them. You’re just threatening. And telling the public that you’re sort-of-doing-something-about-it.

I’d like to see some writs issued.

Some good old fashioned fighting-the-corner, fighting-for-the-industry sort of thing.

If Kate Winslet can win damages from newspapers discussing her weight, one imagines that Eckoh could do similar, given the ‘misleading, inaccurate and more recently completely fabricated’ stories being published. But it’s not that simple, not when it’s a ‘source’ being quoted delivering the fabrications — as apposed to the media outlets.

I think it’s good that Eckoh are communicating anyway. I was pleased to read the press release. I await the next one with no small amount of interest. The sooner this whole thing can be addressed, dealt with, managed and closed (at least in the public mind), the better.