
Ed Lea's TV Plus storms the iTunes App Store Chart

London mobile developer Ed Lea is, I suspect, smiling brightly.


Well, his second iPhone application, TV Plus, has stormed up the iTunes UK App Store charts and dominates the number one slot.

And we love it.

Big congratulations are due to Ed!

If you recall, we first covered Ed Lea’s services when he emailed to let us know about his ‘Over-Here’ mapping application for the iPhone.

Well, Ed’s been busy with TV Plus.

TV Plus is a gift from the Gods if you’re a TV fan based in the UK. We have a satellite provider by the name of Sky (owned by Fox) who provide a home recording box as part of their premium package called Sky+ (“Sky Plus”) With Sky+ you can ‘Tivo’ television programmes — record a series, or just a one off event or show.

Of course this brilliant functionality is rather useless when you’re sat on the train and some bright spark mentions the name of that programme (“I’m OK, I’m recording Spooks” for example). You slap your forehead in annoyance and know that although the show starts in 20 minutes, you won’t be home for at least 50 minutes. Spend the next 50 minutes getting really annoyed.

OR download TV Plus for £2.99. It’ll interface with your Sky+ box and allow you to control it from your iPhone, anywhere.

Now, the concept isn’t new. Back in 2006, I downloaded a Symbian application from Sky themselves that did this. But it wasn’t nearly as sexy nor as easy as TV Plus.

With this app, you simply browse the television schedule on your device (that, in itself, is really useful) then when you find a programme you’d like to record, bish-bash-bosh, simply click record:

And you’re done.

If you’re new to remote recording, you need to setup your account for the facility — it takes no more than 15 minutes and you simply follow the instructions on Sky’s site here.

This is the type of application that will keep folk locked to their iPhones. 212 folk have, to date, written reviews, the vast majority of them topping out at five stars:

Super work Ed. TV Plus is a winner!