
Editorial ideas I'm playing with for this week's newsletter

Here’s what I’m kicking about in terms of editorial for this week’s newsletter.

I’ve got quite a lot of rants bottled up. And I mean a LOT. I have been walking past Vodafone shops this week and I’ve been feeling like imploding at the futility of their current mobile developer engagement strategy. This, despite the company having some supremely talented people on board.

Nokia and Symbian. We’re beyond laughable with Nokia — and in particular, Symbian. I understand and recognise the company isn’t anywhere near going out of business blah blah blah. The speed of

Motorola’s Droid is causing a stir in the States — so much so that 2,000 Verizon Stores are opening early on launch day. What does this say for Android and North America? The Droid does look like a pretty neat handset.

I’m also seeing a lot of developers beginning to talk about Android now — seriously. These are primarily iPhone developers with quite a bit of success under their belts, now closely examining the platform. What’s interesting is that when I mention BlackBerry to them, they typically recoil in shock. When I mention Sony Ericsson, their eyes glaze over — and when I mention Vodafone’s 280m customers, one chap openly laughed at me. I did qualify that, yes, right now, VF360 isn’t a big platform.

Pizza Hut has done a million dollars in revenue through it’s iPhone app. Shocking. I bet that’s a pretty good return on the cost of development. What does this mean for online / takeaway services like them? Very interesting.

Those are the things I’m playing around with. If you’ve got any suggestions, mail me,

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