
Enkin -- the heads-up-display for your mobile

Enkin is a heads-up-display for your mobile handset (in particular, your Android-enabled handset). It’s described as a ‘handheld navigation concept’ that bridges the gap between reality and classic map-like representations. I first read about it back in May and last I heard they were chatting to Google about possibilities — and the Enkin blog bears this up. But there’s been nothing else posted for months. Perhaps Google have done the sensible thing and swallowed up Enkin creators Rafael Spring and Max Braun?

Anyway reader Jeremy pointed out Enkin recently and I resolved to do a post on it.

It really is smart stuff. Using it, you can turn yourself into a veritable Robocop or Terminator.

Simply hold up your phone’s camera to some scenery and — all things being equal — various contextual labels will appear on your camera display.

It’s genius. This is what Google Maps is set to become, surely?

Here are the chaps, Rafeal and Max, showing off a working prototype:

I’ll definitely install this one when/if Enkin becomes available…